Resources used by the Galaxy project. WIP! Mostly stubs. Help wanted

Author(s) AvatarggscAvatarRoss Lazarus
Creative Commons License: CC-BY Questions:
  • What are the main identifiable project resources?

  • How do they all fit together?

  • Who pays for the ‘free’ analysis computational resources?

  • Understand what resources are used in the project

  • Understand how those resources are provided

Time estimation: 10 minutes
Supporting Materials:
Last modification: May 22, 2023
License: Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The GTN Framework is licensed under MIT
Comment: Note to contributors
  • Work in progress!! First draft to try to get a structure to make sense.
  • Needs many contributors to make it useful. What would you like to have known, when you first tried getting things done in Galaxy? Please add what’s missing and fix what’s broken. Headings are mostly stubs waiting to be edited and extended
  • Trying to describe the big picture will necessarily be big. Will probably need to break this already very wordy module into separate parts.
  • Add your story or stories to the stories tutorial too please!
  • Ross has strong opinions.
  • Many of them are probably wrong but he doesn’t know which ones yet.
  • Please feel free to contribute your own, to make this more useful to future readers.
Comment: Note to readers
  • This module introduces the most important resouces of the Galaxy project. They are grouped arbitrarily and there are many overlaps, because Galaxy grows organically through collaborations, rather than by design.
  • The project continues to expand rapidly, so this module will need updating regularly
  • The Hub provides much more detail about many of the same structures and their activities, but this material is designed to provide simplified views of the project, so the Hub becomes easier to navigate.
  • This is an attempt at a kind of field guide to the ecosystem generating those Hub activities, for the use of participants trying to navigate it.
Agenda: Field Guide part 2. Resources in Galaxy.
  1. 2. Resources for the Galaxy project
    1. Source code
    2. Computational infrastructure, support and analysis services
    3. Collaborating grants
    4. Community contributors
    5. Further reading

2. Resources for the Galaxy project

The project is complicated, because in addition to all the people and their interactions described in a companion lesson, it requires grant and hardware allocations, together with skilled personnel, to provide services and to manage code assets, communities and other essential corporate functions for a complex global enterprise.

  • Large scale research computating infrastructure is utilised at each of the usegalaxy.* sites.
  • A funded team of dedicated professional staff are needed to provide highly available services.
  • The team also manages core code assets and supports community contributors fixing bugs and adding additional value.
  • Galaxy code depends on many other open source communities.

Source code

  • Many other open source communities provide:
    • Galaxy source code dependencies
    • Command line analysis repositories for tools
  • Without these, Galaxy could not exist.
  • Github committers and community
  • The core framework code, markup for the Hub and GTN, and related resources are also maintained on GitHub, allowing automated testing for pull requests, and independent review before changes are accepted.

Computational infrastructure, support and analysis services

“Free” user allocations for storage and computing depend on the available resources and the intensity of user demand. They are sufficient for many common data intensive projects, but are not suitable for very large data or extremely demanding computing because availability is limited to the resources provided by collaborators and it is far from infinite.

Each of the main usegalaxy.* services shares the main source code, and system administrators share their skills, but they each involve a different set of hardware and storage, so there are important differences in the fine detail of deployment.

  • Australia
  • Europe
  • USA

Collaborating grants

  • Would PI’s want to advertise their deliverables here?
  • One way of letting potential collaborators know what you’re doing?
  • Does not need budgets :)
  • AnVIL
  • Cancer….
  • Your ideas here please?

Community contributors

  • Very important resource
  • Bug fixes, ideas…

Further reading

For more on the main components, and stories of how people get things done in the project, choose from the other lessons in this Topic: