How does the GTN ensure our training materials are FAIR?

This infrastructure has been developed in accordance with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles for training materials Garcia et al. 2020. Following these principles enables trainers and trainees to find, reuse, adapt, and improve the available tutorials.

10 Simple Rules Implementation in GTN framework
Plan to share your training materials online Online training material portfolio, managed via a public GitHub repository
Improve findability of your training materials by properly describing them Rich metadata associated with each tutorial that are visible and accessible via on each tutorial webpage.
Give your training materials a unique identity URL persistency with redirection in case of renaming of tutorials. Data used for tutorials stored on Zenodo and associated with a Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)
Register your training materials online Tutorials automatically registered on TeSS, the ELIXIR’s Training e-Support System
If appropriate, define access rules for your training materials Online and free to use without registration
Use an interoperable format for your training materials Content of the tutorials and slides written in Markdown. Metadata associated with tutorials stored in YAML, and workflows in JSON. All of this metadata is available from the GTN’s API
Make your training materials (re-)usable for trainers Online. Rich metadata associated with each tutorial: title, contributor details, license, description, learning outcomes, audience, requirements, tags/keywords, duration, date of last revision. Strong technical support for each tutorial: workflow, data on Zenodo and also available as data libraries on UseGalaxy.*, tools installable via the Galaxy Tool Shed, list of possible Galaxy instances with the needed tools.
Make your training materials (re-)usable for trainees Online and easy to follow hands-on tutorials. Rich metadata with “Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time bound” (SMART) learning outcomes following Bloom’s taxonomy. Requirements and follow-up tutorials to build learning path. List of Galaxy instances offering needed tools, data on Zenodo and also available as data libraries on UseGalaxy.*. Support chat embedded in tutorial pages.
Make your training materials contribution friendly and citable Open and collaborative infrastructure with contribution guidelines, a CONTRIBUTING file and a chat. Details to cite tutorials and give credit to contributors available at the end of each tutorial.
Keep your training materials up-to-date Open, collaborative and transparent peer-review and curation process. Short time between updates.
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{% snippet  faqs/gtn/ %}
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  1. Garcia, L., B. Batut, M. L. Burke, M. Kuzak, F. Psomopoulos et al., 2020 Ten simple rules for making training materials FAIR (S. Markel, Ed.). PLOS Computational Biology 16: e1007854. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007854