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Galaxy Interactive Environments





last_modification Last modification: Apr 6, 2023

Interactive Environments

Why IEs?

Ipython is shown in the center pane of galaxy

Who should use IEs?

Types of visualizations in Galaxy

GIE for visualization? Check that it is the right choice for your project

Which should I use?

Flowchart. Only available on an external website? If yes use a display application. Does it need to be served (e.g. python), if yes use an interactive tool. Is it computationally intensive, then it needs to be a regular tool. Is it written in javascript? Then it shold be a generic plugin. If it passes all these tests it can be a charts plugin.

How to launch an IE?

.image-25[visualisation button in galaxy is clicked on a dataset. Jupyter and Rstudio appear below charts.]

.image-25[A drop down menu from the masthead of galaxy shows interactive environments as well.]

IE Launcher

.image-75[An IE launcher is shown with select boxes for the GIE, image, and datasets. Launch is shown below.]

How does it work?

schematic of request flow. A users requests an IE session with galaxy which connects to a docker host, launches the IE, and communicates this to a NodeJS proxy living next to galaxy. The user opens the connection through the proxy to access the container.

.footnote[ Admin Docs: ]


.image-75[jupyter seen in the main panel of galaxy]


the above screenshot but they have scrolled to show embedded plots computed in jupyter in galaxy


Another screenshot of jupyter in galaxy, this time fetching datasets from galaxy and running samtools.


default rstudio in galaxy, multiple panes are visible for computing, values, and files.


IOBIO are dynamic javascript-y visualisations with lots of constantly updating graphs that are recalculated on the fly. They are shown in two scratchbooks in Galaxy


a close up of iobio with several graphs and illegible text.


Phinch is shown inside galaxy, another visually intensive graphing application for metagenomics data.


.footnote[ Advanced configurations:]


Component File
Visualization Plugin Configuration ../config/${ie_name}.xml
IE specific Configuration ../config/${ie_name}.ini
Mako Template ../templates/${ie_name}.mako


schematic of GIE with a box on the left labelled ipython.mako being invoked by a launch ipython notebook call. This has boxes for running a docker container and then proxying authentication. These point to a docker container with a config.yaml containing the history id, api key and password, the ipython galaxy notebook, and the ipython webservice which loops while the connection is active. This proxies the connection and points to a cartoon of ipython in galaxy's center panel.

Hello World Example

$ tree $GALAXY_ROOT/config/plugins/interactive_environments/helloworld/
β”œβ”€β”€ config
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ helloworld.ini
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ helloworld.ini.sample
β”‚   └── helloworld.xml
β”œβ”€β”€ static
β”‚   └── js
β”‚       └── helloworld.js
└── templates
    └── helloworld.mako

Create GIE plugin XML file config/helloworld.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE interactive_environment SYSTEM "../../interactive_environments.dtd">
<!-- This is the name which will show up in the User's Browser -->
<interactive_environment name="HelloWorld">

      <!-- filter which types of datasets are appropriate for this GIE -->
      <test type="isinstance" test_attr="datatype"
      <test type="isinstance" test_attr="datatype"
      <to_param param_attr="id">dataset_id</to_param>
    <param type="dataset" var_name_in_template="hda" required="true">dataset_id</param>
  <!-- Be sure that your entrypoint name is correct! -->
  <entry_point entry_point_type="mako">helloworld.mako</entry_point>

Set up .ini file, which controls docker interaction config/helloworld.ini.sample

# Unused

# Command to execute docker. For example `sudo docker` or `docker-lxc`.
#command = docker {docker_args}

# The docker image name that should be started.
image = hello-ie

# Additional arguments that are passed to the `docker run` command.
#command_inject = --sig-proxy=true -e DEBUG=false

# URL to access the Galaxy API with from the spawn Docker container, if empty
# this falls back to galaxy.yml's galaxy_infrastructure_url and finally to the
# Docker host of the spawned container if that is also not set.
#galaxy_url =

# The Docker hostname. It can be useful to run the Docker daemon on a different
# host than Galaxy.
#docker_hostname = localhost


<%namespace name="ie" file="ie.mako" />
# Sets ID and sets up a lot of other variables

# Define a volume that will be mounted into the container.
# This is a useful way to provide access to large files in the container,
# if the user knows ahead of time that they will need it.
user_file = ie_request.volume(
    hda.file_name, '/import/file.dat', how='ro')

# Launch the IE. This builds and runs the docker command in the background.
        'custom': '42'


# Only once the container is launched can we template our URLs. The ie_request
# doesn't have all of the information needed until the container is running.
url = ie_request.url_template('${PROXY_URL}/helloworld/')

${ ie.load_default_js() }
<script type="text/javascript">
${ ie.default_javascript_variables() }
var url = '${ url }';
${ ie.plugin_require_config() }
requirejs(['interactive_environments', 'plugin/helloworld'], function(){
<div id="main" width="100%" height="100%">

Lastly we must write the load_notebook function, static/js/helloworld.js

function load_notebook(url){
    $( document ).ready(function() {
        test_ie_availability(url, function(){

Hello World Example

FROM ubuntu:14.04
# These environment variables are passed from Galaxy to the container
# and help you enable connectivity to Galaxy from within the container.
# This means your user can import/export data from/to Galaxy.
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
    API_KEY=none \
    DEBUG=false \
    PROXY_PREFIX=none \
    GALAXY_URL=none \
    GALAXY_WEB_PORT=10000 \
    HISTORY_ID=none \

RUN apt-get -qq update && \
    apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
    wget procps nginx python python-pip net-tools nginx

# Our very important scripts. Make sure you've run `chmod +x
#` outside of the container!
ADD ./ /
ADD ./ /

# /import will be the universal mount-point for IPython
# The Galaxy instance can copy in data that needs to be present to the
# container
RUN mkdir /import



# Nginx configuration
COPY ./proxy.conf /proxy.conf

VOLUME ["/import"]
WORKDIR /import/

# EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! You must expose a SINGLE port on your container.

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name localhost;

    # Note the trailing slash used everywhere!
    location PROXY_PREFIX/helloworld/ {
        proxy_buffering off;
        proxy_redirect PROXY_PREFIX/helloworld/;

# First, replace the PROXY_PREFIX value in /proxy.conf with the value from
# the environment variable.
sed -i "s|PROXY_PREFIX|${PROXY_PREFIX}|" /proxy.conf;
# Then copy into the default location for ubuntu+nginx
cp /proxy.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default;

# Here you would normally start whatever service you want to start. In our
# example we start a simple directory listing service on port 8000
cd /import/ && python -mSimpleHTTPServer &

# Launch traffic monitor which will automatically kill the container if
# traffic stops
/ &
# And finally launch nginx in foreground mode. This will make debugging
# easier as logs will be available from `docker logs ...`
nginx -g 'daemon off;'

while true; do
    sleep 60
    if [ `netstat -t | grep -v CLOSE_WAIT | grep ':80' | wc -l` -lt 3 ]
        pkill nginx

Hello World Example

$ cd hello-ie
$ docker build -t hello-ie .

A directory listing is shown in the center panel.

.footnote[Try it yourself:]

Key Points

Thank you!

This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors! Galaxy Training Network This material is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.