New FAQs: How does the GTN stay FAIR and Collaborative

Author(s) orcid logoAvatarHelena Rasche

Posted on: 1 December 2021

The GTN does a lot of work to adhere to the best practices for FAIR training materials as set out in Garcia et al. 2020 and a lot of this work is behind-the-scenes or automatic from the infrastructure we provide, and we wanted to highlight that for educators and organisers who want to use GTN materials. This is one of the ways the GTN works to makes itself a fantastic platform training. Find out how contributing simple markdown tutorials can result in fantastically FAIR training.

Collaborative lesson development is likewise very important to us and we follow all of the best practices set out in Devenyi et al. 2018. Find out how in our FAQ


  1. Devenyi, G. A., R. Emonet, R. M. Harris, K. L. Hertweck, D. Irving et al., 2018 Ten simple rules for collaborative lesson development (S. Markel, Ed.). PLOS Computational Biology 14: e1005963. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005963
  2. Garcia, L., B. Batut, M. L. Burke, M. Kuzak, F. Psomopoulos et al., 2020 Ten simple rules for making training materials FAIR (S. Markel, Ed.). PLOS Computational Biology 16: e1007854. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007854
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